In-Store Events

 ***Current Events***

 "Bluebirds" Presentation

Join Carol Harsh for an in-store presentation on bluebirds. We will be discussing how to attract these beloved feathered friends to your feeders, their feeding preferences, nesting habitats, and general facts for these friendly little backyard visitors. 

All ages are welcome! Coffee and snacks will be provided. Please call the store (219)-319-0126 to sign up.


When: March 29th, 2025 from 8:30 am - 9:30 am. 

Where: Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville


***Past Events***


"Wellness Benefits of Birds" Presentation

Join David White from our store team, for an in-store presentation on the "wellness benefits of birding". The topic is to introduce the benefits of birding, and what it can do for you and your body. 

Limited seats are available; please call (219)-319-0126 to reserve your spot. 


When: February 22nd, 2025 from 8:30 am - 9:30 am.

Where: Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville



"The Secret Love Life of Birds" Presentation

Join Carol Harsh at Gibson Woods Nature Preserve for a presentation on the "secret love life of birds". This presentation will be about some bird love secrets, just in time for Valentine's Day. <3  

 Preregistration is required for this event. Please call Gibson Woods (219-844-3188) to reserve your spot. 


When: February 8th, 2025 from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm. 

Where: Gibson Woods Nature Preserve; 6201 Parrish Ave, Hammond IN. 



9th Year Anniversary Celebration! 

You're invited! To thank our customers for your support, join us for a weekend filled with festivities to celebrate. 

Guest Speakers: Savannah from Indiana's Audobon Society (1/10 3pm-5pm), Humane Indiana Wildlife Director, Nicole Harmon, with a feathered ambassador (1/11 10am-2pm), and Gibson Woods County Park's Environmental Edu. Manager, Caryn Corriere (1/12 1pm-4pm)

 **Snacks & refreshments will be provided**

When: January 10th - January 12th

Where: Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville 



Native Plant Talk (CANCELLED)

Join us as we welcome Karl Ackerman, former president of the Gibson Woods chapter of Wild Ones for an in-store presentation about the importance of Native gardening. 


When: October 19th from 8:30 am- 9:30 am

Where: Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville



Bird Jay Talk at Gibson Woods

Join us at the Gibson Woods while Carol speaks about our most VOCAL songbird, the Blue Jay

Sign Up begins on September 16th.  Call Gibson Woods directly at (219)844-3188 to reserve your seat!


When:  September 28th, 9:30 - 11 am

Where:  Gibson Woods Nature Preserve

               6201 Parrish Avenue, Hammond, IN



American Goldfinch 

Join Carol as she talks about how to attract the Goldfinch and keep them coming back.

Sign up begins today.  Call (219)319-0126 to reserve your spot!


When:  August 24th, 8:30 a.m.

Where:  Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville



 Pollinators - by Caryn Corriere, Ecologist of Gibson Woods Nature Preserve

Join us as we explore the pollinators and all they contribute to our ecosystem. 

 Signed up will begin on July 19th - Call (219) 319-0126 to reserve your spot.


When:  July 27th, 2024 8:30 a.m.

Where:  Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville



 Monarch Butterflies - The most recognizable species in North America

 We will be hosting guest speaker Dolly Foster, a Horticulturist specializing in pollinator gardening and vegetable gardening.  Her topic will be the Monarch Butterflies.

When:  June 8th, 2024 8:30 a.m.

Where:  Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat ... (219)319-0126

****  Seating is limited to 20 people


Hummingbirds .... The Jewels of the sky

We will be discussing how to attract these beloved feathered friends to your feeders, their feeding preferences, nesting habits, and general facts for this friendly little backyard visitor.

When:  April 20th, 2024 8:30 a.m.

Where:  Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat .... (219) 319-0126

*** seating is limited to 20 people



Join us for our Bluebird Presentation:  We will be discussing how to attract these beloved feathered friends to your feeders, their feeding preferences, nesting habitats, and general facts for these friendly little backyard visitors.

When:  March 16th, 2024 8:30am

Where:  Wild BIrds Unlimited of Schererville

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat .... (219) 319-0126

**** Seating is limited to 20 people


The Secret Love Life of Birds Presentation

Join us as we discuss the pair bonding strategies of our beloved backyard birds. 
When: February 3rd, 2024 8:30am
Where: Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville
If interested, please RVSP by calling the store to reserve your seat  .... (219)319-0126 

* Seating is limited to 20 people


8th Anniversary Party January 5th thru 7th. 


Junco Presentation

Please join us while we explore our winter visitors the Dark-eyed Juncos and their habits and personalities.

When:  November 18th, 2023 @ 8:30 a.m.

Where:  Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville

If interested, please RVSP by calling the store to reserve your seat  .... (219)319-0126 
* Seating is limited to 20 people


Blue Jay Presentation

Please join us while we explore our larger songbirds the Blue Jays and their habits and personalities.

When: September 16th, 2023 @ 8:30 AM

Where: Wild Birds Unlimited of Schererville

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat...219-319-0126.

*Seating is limited to 20 people.


Native Plants - Guest Speaker Karl Ackerman

Please join us while Karl Ackerman from the Wild Ones Gibson Woods Chapter visits our store to talk about our native plants and how important they are to our ecosystem.

When:  August 26th @ 8:30 a.m.

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat ... 219-319-0126

*Seating is limited to 20 people.



Come join us while Carol talks about the American Goldfinch.  Learn how to attract them and keep them!

When:  July 15th @ 8:30 a.m.

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat ... 219-319-0126

*Seating is limited to 20 people.


Gibson Woods - Guest speaker Caryn Corriere

Come join us while the ecologist from Gibson Woods, Caryn Corriere, visits our store to share information about our pollinators.  

If you're not familiar with Gibson Woods, it is a hidden gem located in Hammond. Caryn will have more information when she visits or visit:

 When:  June 17th @ 8:30 a.m.

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat ... 219-319-0126


Hummers and Orioles

Hummingbirds ... the Jewels of the Sky!

Join us for our hummingbird and Oriole presentation.  We will be discussing how to attract these beloved feathered friends to your feeders, their feeding preferences, nesting habits, and general facts for this friendly little backyard visitor.

When:  May 6th @ 8:30 a.m.

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat ... 219-319-0126

* Seating is limited to 20 people.  


 Bluebird Presentation - Encore event

Due to the overwhelming response to our Bluebird presentation, we are doing a 2nd presentation!

Join us for our Bluebird presentation: We will be discussing how to attract these beloved feathered friends to your feeders, their feeding preferences, their nesting habits, and general facts for this friendly little backyard visitor.

When:  April 8th @ 8:30 a.m.

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat ... 219-319-0126

* Seating is limited to 20 people.


Bluebird Presentation

Join us for our Bluebird presentation: We will be discussing how to attract these beloved feathered friends to your feeders, their feeding preferences, their nesting habits, and general facts for this friendly little backyard visitor.

When: March 11th @ 8:30 a.m.

If interested, please RSVP by calling the store to reserve your seat ... 219-319-0126

* Seating is limited to 20 people.







*Dates and topics are subject to change.